What's Energetically In Store for 2024

The year 2024 will be a pivotal year!

I am not an astrologer. I am intuitive. We are in the biggest awakening on this planet and at the peak of big change. I sense there will be a lot of positive change. Though 2024 may bring chaos too. It is a year of claiming your true nature and purpose

There is a Hopi indigenous prophecy about the time of the red sun. The prophecy states that there would be a period on earth after 2017, approximately 7 years, when humanity would choose. It is the time that humanity would wake up all over the earth and seed the new earth. We are now in 2024 which is 7 years from 2017. Now is that time! Remember prophecy is not good or bad and it is us that is creating the future. This is a time of flowering the seeds for new change. The solar magnetic force of the sun is getting stronger on earth. Each of us may feel energy moving stronger and a call to flower from the inside out. This could also create inner and outer turbulence and positive potential  change. This is not just another year.

Also, in February we enter the year of the Dragon according to Chinese astrology. Just another energy to add energy to the mix. This is indeed a powerful year! 

What does that mean for you personally?

It is a big year, not one to sit back and let life happen to you but, co-create the world you would like to live in. We can write our own future when we align with the most positive timeline available. It is simple, when you connect with the deepest true essence of yourself, collaborating with mother nature and really envision the kind of life you would like to experience. What world would you like to step towards?
There are also currents of the year that are more specific to you. When I give individual Destiny Card Readings based on your birthdate, there are certain themes that can be seen. For example, it could be a year to focus internally or externally. Or on a specific theme, like creative projects, or relationships and so on. There are more intricate themes to pay attention to for each individual. These themes are like the wind under our wings or an upcoming storm. When you know the currents of the year for you personally, it’s like an eagle catching and riding the wind current for the best flight path. You want to be able to ride that current of the year so that you can be true to what is in your heart and most important for you.
Sometimes, I hear people say, "I hope 2024 is good to you."
As if there is something outside of you that has the power to make it good to you. Though there can and will be challenges in the world and tendencies or themes you may personally have to navigate, we each do have the power acknowledge that and also, to rise above and choose what we would love to experience on our journey.

When I coach clients, they make fundamental choices. The most important choices are; choice to live your true nature + purpose, to live a life you love, to be free, and be the predominant creative force in life. Take a moment and choose and feel into what it’s like to be the predominant creative force in your life. It puts the energy and power into your hands and heart and shifts you out of victimhood. You become a co-creator and partner with life as an ally. It is an invitation to experience what is in your essence ~ that seed you sow to grow and bring forward for yourself and in the world.

The New Year is great time to recommit to yourself and your path. Make a simple intention and offering to nature to be your ally and claim your true heart. This can be fun. Taking time to play, cultivate joy along the way.

If you would like to receive guidance for the current chapter you are in or all of 2024 - book a Destiny Card reading with Ashera!

Ashera Serfaty