Connecting with Your Highest Frequency


The new earth is here. We just have to drop what prevents it from showing up and develop our biology (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual) to be able to anchor that high frequency which brings more of that new earth into manifestation. We upgrade to anchor. We let go of whatever is preventing us from operating at that frequency." ~ Oracle Girl

Change is upon us. The sun going down a little earlier and a cooler breeze is coming in signalling the slow change from summer to fall. We are in intense times! We are in a collective rite of passage into the New Earth. Let's face it, we are all being challenged in some way. Each of us needs to find our center, our purpose and connect and ground to our highest frequency otherwise we will get caught in chaos around of the planet. As the season changes it is important to focus on grounding and slowing down as things speed up. In the ancient cultures these times have been prophesized. We are living in the eye of the storm.

Living at higher frequency doesn't mean you are happy all the time and ignore the inner and outer challenges that are happening. On the contrary. It is a setting, a way of orienting where you clear and connect to your highest self regardless how things look. How can you keep yourself feeling healthy, safe and on this higher frequency is a question many are asking? Frequency is what keeps us connected to the truth of Mother Earth and guides us our way as well as the earth's. Nature shows us where the balance is this is how to connect with the frequency. We must return to the natural law of Mother Earth to guide us. She provides for us.

Take time to align with love, not fear and let it guide you no matter what you are going through. Find ways you can nurture yourself. What is it you love. For me, I love to hum and sing and sound. It is something simple I can do while doing the dishes, walking, doing housework or even in the midst of challenge. It keeps me connected to the sweetness of life even on hard days.

We have power that is much greater than we can imagine. You are a dreamer and your are always dreaming and creating. What are you giving your dream and power to. What is the dream you would like to create?

Ashera Serfaty