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Medicine Song & Drum Circle

Monday November 13th, 2023
7:00- 9:00pm
At The Seattle Sound Temple

If you can walk you can dance!
If you can speak you can sing!

Would you like to open your voice and connect in song. Come gather in circle together, drum, rattle and sing some easy to learn medicine songs.

In this evening we will start with playing drums, rattles and percussion together, then we will sing together. Singing heals the body, warms the heart and uplifts the spirit.

Throughout time we have gathered in circle with drums, rattles, percussion and singing to make music together, and celebrate life.

This will be a welcoming space to gather connect in community and fill your heart with the medicine of drum and song.


Bring your drum, rattles, and any percussion if you have or like to work with. There will be some extra rattles and drums to use too. Upon registration you will receive a welcome letter. Allow 48 hours for confirmation.

Seattle Sound Temple
Led by Ashera Serfaty

Energy Exchange- $45
Limited Space to 11 participants.
Save your Spot AS IT WILl Fill!
Advance Registration Required.


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