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Live Shamanic Drum & Sound Journeying Workshop

Drum, rattle, Clear Your energy
& Receive the Sound Healing Journey

saturday November 4th 2023

Everyday People’s Yoga. Eugene Oregon

In this special hands-on 3 hour workshop, you will connect with the experience of sound healing and shamanic journeying. You will receive and be taken on shamanic sound journeys and learn how use a rattle and drum for healing and open your abilities of doing this for others.

Exploring the use of the drum, rattles, bells, bowls, and various other percussion instruments for clearing your energy, working with intention, tempo, movement, and cadence to make profound energy shifts on yourself and others. You will gain experience in understanding, navigating, and creating a shamanic sound journey yourself others.

This workshop is great for anyone interested in receiving sound healing, shamanic energy medicine, & journeying This is also a great workshop for practitioners to expand their knowledge and experience.

All ancient cultures used sound healing, energy medicine and shamanic journeying to receive guidance, invoke assistance, retrieve energy and provide healing. In this special hands-on workshop, you will connect with a deepened understanding and experience of sound healing energy medicine and shamanic journeying.

Everyone will be drumming and sounding together, exploring the use of the drum, rattle and various percussion instruments, while learning how to work with intention, tempo, movement and cadence to make profound energy shifts on yourself and others.

You will also be taken on shamanic journeys. Entering non-ordinary states of reality, moving into timelessness you will access to inner guidance, gain insights, and receive energy for yourself and others.

Workshop Includes:

- Drumming and Rattling Together
- Receiving the Shamanic Sound Healing Journey
- Opening your Intuition
- Learning to Scan and Clear Your Own & Other’s Energy Bodies with Percussion
- Practice of Sound and Drum Tempo for Journeying
- Methodology for Safe Effective Shamanic Drumming & Journeying
- Receiving Healing Guidance, Gifts Power Animals & Spirit Guidance
- Materials to Take Home with You
- Community Connection


Bring your drum, rattles, and any percussion if you have or like to work with. We will be using frame drums. There will be some extra rattles and drums if you don’t have one.

Everyday People’s Yoga. Eugene, Oregon
Led by Ashera Serfaty

Limited Space!

Later Event: November 6
Shamanic Drum Journeying Group