How To Transform Stress

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Blessings Friends & Clients:

I often hear people say that things are stressful. Yet, I believe stress doesn’t have to be part of life. Yes, there are challenges we each face every day. Stress is a frequency that is around us in our world and we let in. It is a way we are with what is that transforms it. When we are stressed, we step out of being grounded in our bodies and move out of harmony. The breath becomes shallow and we become more stressed. When you are stressed your breathing doesn’t going down to the base of your body, which creates more stress! So it is simple to transform it. But not necessarily easy if we don't practice.

The remedy is within each of us and is within the I Ching 52nd  hexagram called: Keeping Still, represented by the mountain. The wisdom and remedy to transform stress is to come into stillness, ease and grounding. Embodied grounding practices are the key. When we connect with the resonance of the earth’s heartbeat we align to this ease.We breathe slower. Returning to this natural rhythm of pachamama (mother earth) and our connection to her we slow down. This is a choice.

Grounding ourselves into the earth creates the energetic of trust, a deeper sense of being centered and capacity to navigate life more easefully and our breathing naturally slows down. It can change our electromagnetic fields quickly and easily. Grounding can simply mean putting your feet on the ground and time in nature. Conscious intention through pausing and remembering to ground yourself into yourself and the rhythm of the earth is very essential to transform stress.

This practice can be done anytime and anywhere. Though it is simple, if you do this several times a day you will notice a sense of release, deepening into your center and the support and energy of the earth. Invite yourself to find this stillness within even within the movement of life and connect with yourself and the heartbeat of the earth.

Grounding Healing Practice:

Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. Imagine and feel yourself as if you are a tree. Feel as though you have roots and a strong grounding cord going down into the earth. Feel your cord and roots emerge from your first chakra area, perineum, legs and feet. Allow it to move into the ground. Let yourself relax your lower body. Ground to the earth.  Breathe in and out, slowly feeling this connection. Each exhale gently reach this cord deeper into the earth.  This is your ground. Each exhale let go of anything heavy you may be carrying, physically, emotionally or mentally, down through your grounding cord into the earth. With each slow breath, release and relax, keeping your connection with the earth and your grounding cord.

Now feel into the light and nurturance from the center of mother earth. Allow it to rise up to support you. Breathe it in. Feel this pillar of light filling up your legs, belly and all the way up the center of your body. See yourself inside this pillar of light. Fill yourself up with yourself being in this light. Say to yourself this is my center, my space. I am grounded and connected.

Love, Beauty and a Luminous Summer to you,


Ashera Serfaty1 Comment