Coming Home To Yourself

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Blessings Clients and Friends:

This full moon reminds us to come home to ourselves. Many of my clients express they want to feel more stability. They want to connect with themselves, be in their power, and follow a path that has meaning.  What we are all looking for is a sense of deepened stability and alignment with what is most important to us. We know that the outer attachments to stability do not last.  The only real stability is the foundational connection to our true SELF.

Interestingly, we are with ourselves 24/7, but many feel disconnected from who they truly are. Layers of old beliefs, stories, habits, and conditionings can cloud the true connection with our own body, mind, and spirit. Through a sense of deep presence with self, others and the earth, we can reconnect with true stability and healing. The healing of grounding into ourselves and the earth is the foundation for growth on all levels, like trees having strong, deep roots sustain growth to the highest of heights.

The most important foundation is connecting with our bodies. I am a strong advocate of embodied presence. Embodiment means we are truly here in the home of ourselves. A powerful way to create this deep connection is connecting our root chakra to the earth. It sounds simple but is not always easy. It takes practice. When we make this connection, we feel more in ourselves, creating a true sense of trust and stability.  It is not a mental visualization but an actual felt sense. Once you tap into this presence, you have the foundation with which to grow more fully and stay centered. As we head deeper into the fall season, it is a perfect time to work with the grounding earth element to balance the air element of change.  Here is the beginning of a grounding exercise that you can practice throughout the day.

Take a moment to sit quietly. Take some deep breaths, focusing on the long exhalation down into the ground of your body. Consciously ask your first chakra to open.
Imagine and feel you have roots coming out of your legs, feet, hips, and perineum.
Send those roots through your first chakra area down through the earth.
Imagine and feel your roots moving down into the ground, connecting you with the deep earth below, the heart of Pachamama.
Take a few minutes sitting this feeling of connection that you can let go into. Let yourself deepen into this trust and stability.

Beauty and Light, Ashera

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