Health & Healing Tips for Smoke & Fire. Water Prayer. A Call to Initiation


If you are in the West Coast you may be facing the intensity of the fires and the smoke. It has been a surreal week for me here in Oregon. Being so close (within 30 minutes) of a huge fire has been a very intense. Smoke is dense. The sun seems to have disappeared. I am safe. Fire is transformer and this is part of a huge collective initiation. The fires and our current state of the world are demanding many of us to let go on a deeper level.

The world we live in is not what it seemed to be. Many of us are facing deeper levels of our vulnerability and also awakening. I have question for you. What do you feel you are being initiated into? How can we dream a vision of the new earth in this turmoil?  Perhaps part of the initiation is to honor the dying away of the old and let it go, and also hold a vision of the new. What can you let go of? I realize as I feel what arises and then let it go, there is a strength in vulnerability.  In the midst of so much dying there is a new earth that is asking to be born. May each of us find the strength and vulnerability to hold this vision of something new while so much is dying. 

I ask you please bring prayer for rain to the west coast. Focusing our intentions are so powerful. Visualize and connect with the feeling of rain and water to the places that need them to quell the fires. Bring your awareness to water, imagining rain falling. Meditate, play an instrument or sing and connect with the water in all her forms, as the mother of the ocean, rivers and lakes. Ask and feel the living energy of rain moving over the fires. Though this seems simple, it is profound when our collective power of intent is focuses. Thank you for taking moment to do this for all in need, human, animals, trees and our home this beautiful earth.

It is essential we pay attention to our health and well being. I have compiled some of the best tips I know to assist you. I myself, being so close to multiple fires where smoke is dense, have felt adverse effects it the first few days and now I am vigilant with these tips and I feel more balanced.

I have included a video from my dear friend and Ayurvedic Practitioner Sarah Kruse of Embrace Ayurveda. She recorded 7 tips to protect you in smoke a couple years ago, so the part about walking in the forest omit as in the West Coast it is hazardous to walk outside. Stay indoors. Here is the link.

Below are tips that you can add to your regime right away. Please share this with others.

Self Care Tips for the Smoke from Fires:

- Hydration Water. Drink as much as you can.  Lots and lots. Add some mineral drops or and liquid oxygen to your water.
- Warm Liquids. These help lubricate and move saliva and tissues so toxins move out.
- Warm Lemon Water. Drink throughout the day
- Herbal Tea of Ginger, Tumeric, Licorice and Tulsi. Great for membranes and detox. You can add a little peppermint too!
- Ginger. Add it to everything. Natural detox and great for circulation.
- Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Reduces oxidative stress. vitamin C is great for the lungs.
- Vitamin B. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune properties. Helps with brain fog
- Essential oils of Eucalyptus, Rosemary and Peppermint. Simply rub a few drops in your palms and  inhale and/or rub on your chest. Add Silver Fir and Sage if you have some!
- Create a Steam by bringing water to boil in a large pot. Reducing heat and place a few drops of the essential oils in pot and inhale carefully add the essential oils above.
- Coconut oil. Oils help move toxin out. Add extra to you diet or just have one half teaspoon on it's own.
- Spirulina and greens. Excellent for detox and oxygenation.
- Changa Mushrooms- great for the lungs.
- Oil Self Massage. Before or after your shower, rub your favorite oil  vigorously onto your body.
- Neti pot. It keeps the nasal passageways clean and moving. Look up directions online or watch the video.
- Nasal Oil. Allows the tissues of the nose to soften. This is an Ayurvedic remedy. You can purchase it online at the Ayurvedic Institute. (I absolutely love it). It is called Super Nasya. Make your own with sesame oil (refined), a few drops of eucalyptus, rose and sandalwood.
- Sweating. Keeps the channels of elimination open.
- Clay. Consider doing a daily dose of bentonite clay. half teaspoon in 16 oz of water. Stir well and drink on an empty stomach. Drink lots of extra water.
- Rest & Sleep- Nap if you need to.
- Move Slow- No rush.
- Exercise- Stretching, yoga, chi-gong, shaking, dancing. Poses where you bring your arms over your head.
- Air Purifier- buy or make one.

Stay Safe & Healthy, Ashera

Ashera Serfaty