Tips for Clearing Your Energy

The importance of clearing our energy is essential, especially in these times.

Similar to how a daily shower can help keep our physical body clean, our energy bodies require regular hygiene too. Our energy bodies can become heavy and accumulate debris over time. This can affect our health, energy and emotions.

Even if you are not empathic, you can pick up on the energy of others by being in spaces or even from being on the computer and seeing graphic images. Also, there are even more heavy frequencies around, in terms of EMF's etc... so it is essential to clear yourself in order to shine brightly and have more energy, health and vitality.

Below are just a few of the key tips for clearing and rejuvenating your energy field.

After a session with a client, I am always amazed at how they are so much lighter and clearer. You can begin doing your own daily maintenance with these few simple tips:

1. Grounding In Yourself

We hear a lot about grounding. Walking around barefoot on the earth all day is really helpful but most of us cannot do this throughout the seasons. The deeper level of grounding is knowing your own sense of self within your body and energy field.

You can do this daily by sitting quietly, feeling and imagining that you are a tree. Feel your breath and body. Take some deep exhales and make the intention to open the lower body, feeling into your hips, legs, feet and sending your roots down into the earth. Imagine a root the size of you hips going down into the earth. Intend and allow yourself to feel this. Imagine your roots are going deep into the earth and wrapping arounds the stones, crystals and deep into the springs and waters.

Take some deep inhales and as you exhale, take a sigh inviting any heaviness to leave and go back through your body to the Mother Earth. She will gladly compost it. Inhale the rich life force of the earth up into your body.
Intention is everything.

2. Clearing With Water

After grounding, begin to imagine you are under a waterfall of liquid light. Imagine the water flowing down through your head, throat, heart, belly, and legs and clearing any heaviness into the earth. Imagine and feel it move down in front of you, and behind you. You can imagine you are leaning back into a waterfall. Take deep exhales of release. Imagine the heaviness leaving your body.

Now, allow yourself to receive the waterfall as a nourishing energy from above. Imagine liquid light pouring down and energizing and replenishing your energy. Feel yourself in your own body connected to the earth and sky.

3. Commanding Your Spirit.

I have been working with Theta Healing for over a decade. In the last few months, I was introduced to more simplified commands that anyone can do. At the core of us, we have the power to command what we need when we are really connected to spirit. We are more powerful than we know. We are always connected to Spirit and we are prime creation source energy. When we command our own source energy of creation there is nothing that cannot be done.

Below are some simple commands to practice mastering your source energy. You can create your own as well. You will need to say them out loud with conviction, because then you claim and command your empowerment as a creator.

#1. I command my spirit to release and clear anything that is not authentically me NOW. 
Say it 3x. Then say 5, 4 3, 2, 1 NOW! Clap your hands or snap.

#2. I command my spirit to bring ALL of me into me NOW! 
Say it 3x. Then say 5, 4 3, 2, 1 NOW! Clap your hand or snap. 

#3. I command my spirit to bring more life force energy in my body NOW! 
Say it 3x. Then say 5, 4 3, 2, 1 NOW! Clap your hands or snap.

Commands are powerful. I created a command while driving into Seattle when I felt a little overwhelmed by the 5 lane hi-way and speeding cars in the dark. I did a specific protection command. Instantaneously, as if by magic, all the cars were way ahead and way behind me. I was alone with a huge radius around me for 5 minutes! It was really remarkable! I was really surprised at how powerful this can be!
I also did a command a few weeks ago to block harmful frequencies and emf's etc. 5 minutes later I had no wifi. I had to contact my internet server.
Needless to say, I modified the command so I just blocked those frequencies from my body so my devices would continue to work in my space. 

There are  variety of ways and tools to clear and replenish your energy those are just a few.
I am happy to assist you with this if you need more support. Having regular energy clearing and illumination sessions can be so supportive and is extremely helpful for all of us, especially at these times.

Love & Light,

Ashera Serfaty