Metamorphosis: Ignite Your Intuition & Unlock Your True Creative Power
to Mar 31

Metamorphosis: Ignite Your Intuition & Unlock Your True Creative Power

Metamorphosis - Creatrix Women’s Series

5- Week Series. Begins March 3rd
Do you find yourself longing for a more fulfilling life?

Your Creativity is your most important asset at these times.

One where you’re fully immersed in the experiences you love, engaging with your passions, and creating what sets your soul on fire?
Come enter the chrysalis of your metamorphosis and emerge empowered, vibrant and inspired - creating the life you’ve always dreamed of with your Inner Creatrix.

With Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner & Transformational Coach Ashera Serfaty

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Despacho Ceremony with Q'ero Andean Pampe Mesayok Earth Keepers Don Basillio
10:00 AM10:00

Despacho Ceremony with Q'ero Andean Pampe Mesayok Earth Keepers Don Basillio

A Despacho is a traditional ceremony from the high Andes of Peru, to bring us into “Ayni” : a state of reciprocity and balance to give back to Mother Earth (Pachamama) and other Spirits (organizing principles of the Universe). This beautiful Andean prayer offering that we assemble with flower petals, sweets, and other symbolic contributions into a beautiful mandala focuses your intentions for right relationship with our lives and the earth.

It is is a great way to uplift your energy at this time of year and bring in more harmony to the world. The despacho will burned later and the prayers for your harmony will be complete.

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Live Shamanic Drum &  Journeying Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Live Shamanic Drum & Journeying Workshop

Drum & Receive the ShamanicHealing Journeys & Learn How to Guide Others
The Seattle Sound Temple

In this special hands-on workshop training you will connect with a deepened understanding and experience of sound healing and shamanic journeying. You will receive and be taken on shamanic sound journeys and learn how to facilitate this process for others. Exploring the use of the drum, rattles, bells, bowls, and various other percussion instruments for clearing energy, working with intention, tempo, movement, and cadence to make profound energy shifts on yourself and others. You will gain experience in understanding, navigating, and creating a shamanic sound journey yourself others.

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Metamorphosis: Women's Online Masterclass & Sacred Circle
7:00 PM19:00

Metamorphosis: Women's Online Masterclass & Sacred Circle


September 25th, 2024
7:00pm PDT/10pmEDT
September 26th 7:00pm AEST

Welcome Equinox and transitions and breakthrough to the next phase in life. & create what you truly love. Are you ready to embrace the next chapter of your life in a way that deeply nourishes your soul?

Join this powerful gathering for you to feel held in a community of women as you navigate change and enter the chrysalis that is welcoming your metamorphosis.

With Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner & Transformational Coach Ashera Serfaty

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A Day of Ceremony & Sound - Seattle Sound Temple
2:00 PM14:00

A Day of Ceremony & Sound - Seattle Sound Temple

Seattle Sound Temple. Seattle, WA

When we enter a sacred and ceremonial container, we can connect with our multidimensional selves. In this gathering, ceremony and playshop, you will receive guidance, connection, and support to reconnect with your deepest self, the earth, your heart, and your spirit. We will explore shamanic journeying, voice and sound and participate in a despacho healing ceremony to bring you into harmony with creation. You will use a rattle and drum for healing and to open your abilities to do the same for others.

Ancient cultures used offering ceremonies, sound healing, energy medicine, and shamanic journeying for guidance and healing. Connect with a deepened understanding and lived experience of ceremony, receiving messages for your unique spiritual journey.

We'll co-create a despacho offering, clearing old energy and welcoming in the new. Everyone participates, weaving energetic threads of love, joy, and abundance into the prayer. This ceremony fosters balance and harmony in our community and world, manifesting our dreams into reality.

Explore drums, rattles, bells, and your voice for energy clearing and connection to your heart and spirit. This playshop is perfect for anyone interested in deepening their connection to ceremony, spirit, sound healing, and Shamanic journeying, including practitioners seeking to expand their own experience and share with others.

In addition, you will be taken on a shamanic journey where you'll receive inner guidance, insights, and energy for yourself and others. If you've done shamanic journey before, new journeys appropriate for the season will be shared, so be ready to gain new insights as no ceremony is the same. 

This ceremony and playshop is perfect for anyone interested in connecting with ceremony and spirit, receiving sound healing, shamanic energy medicine, and journeying. It's also beneficial for practitioners looking to expand their knowledge and experience.

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Align with Your True Nature & Purpose~ Women's Coaching Series
to Jun 19

Align with Your True Nature & Purpose~ Women's Coaching Series

  • Google Calendar ICS

A 6 Week Women’s Creatrix Coaching Experience

May 15-June 19th.
6 Live Online Sessions & Bonus Videos ~Weekly Meetings

Connect with your heart and live a life where you heart is singing.

When You Are Living From Your Authentic Heart & What Truly Inspires You,
You Can Access a Deep Satisfaction with Your Life.

 Come Open Your Intuition & Empower Yourself to Live YOUR Unique True Nature & Purpose
"Using the Alchemy of Practical Magic & Intuitional Awareness to Turn
Your Lead Into Gold, Creating a Life You Love"

Without Having To Do More, Be More, Or Fix Yourself! 

The ancient alchemists and shamans knew that the way to create was by shifting our orientation. 
By opening your awareness, you will see the reference point which you are creating reality from. Then, you can choose to put your energy towards who you truly are and what you truly love.
This brings higher levels of creative magnetism to your field, allowing you to be in flow with your dream life. 

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Free Shamanic Journeying Circle: Open Your Intuition & Guidance
7:00 PM19:00

Free Shamanic Journeying Circle: Open Your Intuition & Guidance

Open Intuition, Receive Guidance & Energy

Come gather together and journey into your intuitive and creative self. We begin with 15 minutes of drumming and rattling together in various tempos and rhythms or you can simply listen. Then you will lay down to receive a couple of guided shamanic journeys. As you relax into your innocence you will receive guidance and gifts. The vibrational frequency of sound. and journey allows you to open into deepened intuition, and enter a Theta brain wave state which elevates your energy and consciousness.

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Journey Into Our Sacred Temple: Rose Attunement
to Mar 18

Journey Into Our Sacred Temple: Rose Attunement

Journey Into Our Sacred Temple:
Rose Attunement

Women's Live Online Series
Journey Into Our Sacred Temple: Rose: Attunement
6 Classes/Circle
Replay available if you can’t join live.

Awaken Your Inner Priestess with Maestra Rose: ~ Plant Teacher & Ally
Do you want to align your connection with your heart, womb and throat to open your deepest expression of divine feminine energy? 

With Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner Ashera Serfaty and
Shamanic Practitioner and Bio Dynamic Craniosacral Therapist

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Healing With Sacred Waters & The Ñustas: Snow to Sea
to Mar 20

Healing With Sacred Waters & The Ñustas: Snow to Sea

  • Google Calendar ICS

Answering Pachamama’s Call
Women's Live Online Shamanic Series & Sacred Circle of Empowerment 

2 Month Series~ 5 Classes/Circle Plus Bonus Videos
Replay available if you can’t join live.
With Vilma Pinedo & Ashera Serfaty

Harmonize & Nourish Yourself with the Currents of Living Energy Pachamama

Embark on a healing journey, reclaim your connection to yourself, Pachamama and the Waters of Life. Join a supportive community of women, receive support, and co-create the New Earth. The Sacred Waters of Pachamama and the waters within us have immense power to heal, nurture and transform us, and they can also destroy. When we tap into the wellspring of water in the earth and in our bodies, we are deeply replenished. As we balance and harmonize, so does the Earth. 

In this Sacred Water series, we will connect with Mama Cocha: the Mother of the Oceans, Seas & Lakes.  We will also connect with the snow, rain, mists, streams, rivers, falls and springs. The waters carry the message from the mountains. By connecting with these living energies and their messages, we can transform ourselves and our world. We will dive deeper into the Ñustas: Andean Goddess/Priestesses of Earth who bring energy, healing, inspiration, fertility, prosperity, and vitality.

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Amplify Your Intuition & Create What You Love:  Creatrix Group Coaching Experience
to Mar 13

Amplify Your Intuition & Create What You Love: Creatrix Group Coaching Experience

  • Google Calendar ICS

Amplify Your Intuition & Create What You Love
Online Group Experience for Women

Begins January 10th, 2024
Replay available if you can’t join Live.
All time is PST

💛 Activate Your Feminine Creative Consciousness & Intuitive Power
💛 Live From Your Authentic Essence & True Purpose
💛 Identity Your Biggest Blocks and Dysfunctional Formations Without Them Having the Power Over You
💛 Receive Powerful Guidance & Practices to Amplify Your Biggest Dreams & Increase Your Intuitive Ability to Create Them
💛 Nourish Yourself & Claim Your Freedom Without the Need to Do More, Be More, or Fix Yourself
💛 Step Into Magic, Feed Your Inspirations & Receive Clear Next Steps In Magnetizing What You Love
💛 Experience & Embody What Lights You Up

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Sound Healing Ceremony: Seeding the New Year- Live Eugene, OR
7:30 PM19:30

Sound Healing Ceremony: Seeding the New Year- Live Eugene, OR

Receiving & Seeding Intentions For the New Year
Receive, Journey & Heal

When : Friday January 5th 7:30-9:30pm
Location: Everyday People’s Yoga~ Eugene, Oregon
Exchange: $30 In Advance. $35 Day of

Join us in a high vibrational sacred space for an inspiring and healing journey for your mind, body and soul. We will bring in this New Year though a journey of seeding our intentions.

Through a sound journey you will receive an experience of deep relaxation, support and guidance. Sound frequencies go deep into the body, mind and spirit to align you with harmony, peace and balance. They clear imbalances and take you on a journey to your innermost self.

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FREE~ Online Seeding Your Dreams For 2024~ Receive & Create What You Love
5:00 PM17:00

FREE~ Online Seeding Your Dreams For 2024~ Receive & Create What You Love


With Ashera Serfaty ,Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner & Intuitive Coach &
Special Guest Sarah Kruse, Ayurvedic Practitioner

Receive inspiration and nourishment toward creating what you LoveCome take a meditative journey into your superconscious and listen to your deepest heart's desires which are calling your new creations into being.

New Year resolutions don't generally work. But, when you can consciously receive what is true for you from a deeper heart space, then you are given the seeds of inspiration & the best way to nurture those seeds.

In this community gathering, the seeds of what wants to be created in your life are waiting for you to just receive them.

Join our Community in Seeding Your Dreams!
Replay will be available if you are unavailable to join live!
All times in PSt

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Medicine Song & Drum Circle
7:00 PM19:00

Medicine Song & Drum Circle

Monday November 13th, 7-9pm
Seattle Sound Temple. Seattle, WA

If you can walk you can dance!
If you can speak you can sing!

Would you like to open your voice and connect in song. Come gather in circle together, drum rattle and sing some easy medicine songs. In this evening we will start with playing drums, rattles and percussion together, then we will sing together. Singing heals the body, warms the heart and uplifts the spirit.

Throughout time we have gathered in circle with drums, rattles, percussion and singing to make music together, and celebrate life.

This will be a welcoming space to gather connect in community and fill your heart with the medicine of drum and song.

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Shamanic Drum Journeying Group
7:00 PM19:00

Shamanic Drum Journeying Group

Drum, Rattle & Receive Guidance, Retrieve Energy & Connect with Healing

Come gather together and journey into your intuitive and creative self. We begin with 15 minutes of drumming and rattling together in various tempos and rhythms or you can simply listen. Then you will lay down to receive a couple of guided shamanic journeys. As you relax into your innocence you will receive guidance and gifts. The vibrational frequency of sound. and journey allows you to open into deepened intuition, and enter a Theta brain wave state which elevates your energy and consciousness.

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Live Shamanic Drum & Sound Journeying Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

Live Shamanic Drum & Sound Journeying Workshop

Drum, Rattle, Clear Your Energy & Receive the Sound Healing Journey
Everyday People’s Yoga. Eugene, Oregon

In this special hands-on workshop 3 hour workshop you will connect with the experience of sound healing and shamanic journeying. We will drum and rattle together and learn how use a rattle and drum for healing. You will receive and be taken on shamanic sound journeys to receive guidance and healing.

Exploring the use of the drum, rattles, bells, bowls, and various other percussion instruments for clearing your energy, working with intention, tempo, movement, and cadence to make profound energy shifts on yourself and others. You will gain experience in understanding, navigating, and creating a shamanic sound journey yourself others.

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Live Shamanic Drum & Sound Journeying Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Live Shamanic Drum & Sound Journeying Workshop

Receive the Sound Healing Journey & Learn How to Guide Others
The Seattle Sound Temple

In this special hands-on workshop training you will connect with a deepened understanding and experience of sound healing and shamanic journeying. You will receive and be taken on shamanic sound journeys and learn how to facilitate this process for others. Exploring the use of the drum, rattles, bells, bowls, and various other percussion instruments for clearing energy, working with intention, tempo, movement, and cadence to make profound energy shifts on yourself and others. You will gain experience in understanding, navigating, and creating a shamanic sound journey yourself others.

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Creatrix Group Coaching Experience:  Creating What You Love With Intuition & Alchemy
to Dec 6

Creatrix Group Coaching Experience: Creating What You Love With Intuition & Alchemy

Creatrix Coaching Experience~ Create What You Love with Intuition & Alchemy
Online Group Experience for Women

Begins September 20th, 2023
Every other Wednesday for 6 sessions.
Replay available if you can’t join Live.

💛 Activate Your Feminine Creative Consciousness & Intuitive Power
💛 Live From Your Authentic Essence & True Purpose
💛 Identity Your Biggest Blocks and Dysfunctional Formations Without Them Having the Power Over You
💛 Receive Powerful Guidance & Practices to Amplify Your Biggest Dreams & Increase Your Intuitive Ability to Create Them
💛 Nourish Yourself & Claim Your Freedom Without the Need to Do More, Be More, or Fix Yourself
💛 Step Into Magic, Feed Your Inspirations & Receive Clear Next Steps In Magnetizing What You Love
💛 Experience & Embody What Lights You Up

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Healing With Sacred Waters & The Ñustas: Answering Pachamama's Call
to Nov 29

Healing With Sacred Waters & The Ñustas: Answering Pachamama's Call

  • Google Calendar ICS

Answering Pachamama’s Call
Women's Live Online Shamanic Series & Sacred Circle of Empowerment 

2 Month Series~ 5 Classes/Circle
Replay available if you can’t join live.

Step into the Feminine Mysteries of Initiation & Claim, Embody & Activate Your Divine Feminine Power

This is a journey into the mysteries of women's healing and empowerment and reclaiming your connection to Mother Earth. This is an intimate connection in a sacred container in a community of women to assist you in navigating these time. We will connect with the living energy of specific Ñustas (feminine priestesses of nature), and specific springs, waterfalls, rivers, lakes to support, clear, renew and activate your feminine energy. Deepen into your connection and  receive the transmissions, healing and guidance from specific Ñustas.

With Renowned Andean Curandera Vilma Pinedo &
Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner Ashera Serfaty

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Live ~Somatic Sound Healing Journey
7:30 PM19:30

Live ~Somatic Sound Healing Journey

Embody, Receive & Heal

When : Friday May 12th 7:30-9:00pm
Location: Everyday People’s Yoga~ Eugene, Oregon
Exchange: $30 In Advance. $35 Day of

Join us in a high vibrational sacred space for an inspiring and healing journey. Through a sound journey you will receive an experience of deep relaxation, support and guidance. Through the beautiful high frequency of alchemy crystal bowls and percussive instruments  you will connect with guidance, gifts and support. Sound frequencies go deep into the body, mind and spirit to align you with harmony, peace and balance. They clear imbalances and take you on a journey to your innermost self. 

Ashera Serfaty ~ Shamanic Energy Medicine & Sound Healing Practitioner

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Transformational Journey to Mystical Peru
to Apr 23

Transformational Journey to Mystical Peru

  • Google Calendar ICS

Shamanic Alchemy & Sacred Sound Retreat

Sacred Valley, Andes Mountains & Mystical Temples
Main Journey April 11- 21, 2022
Machu Picchu Add On April 21-23,, 2022

Come Delve into the Mysteries Places & Portals
Few Get to See & Experience!

with Ashera Serfaty, Irene Ingalls ,Devin DeGreif, Curandera Vilma Pinedo,
Q’ero Wisdom Keepers & Julian Sasari, Andean Spiritual Guide.

Join us on our 15th Retreat!

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Live ~Somatic Sound Healing Journey
7:00 PM19:00

Live ~Somatic Sound Healing Journey

Receiving & Seeding Intentions For the New Year
Embody, Receive & Heal

When : Friday January 6th 7:00-8:30pm
Location: Everyday People’s Yoga~ Eugene, Oregon
Exchange: $35 In Advance. $40 Day of

Join us in a high vibrational sacred space for an inspiring and healing journey for your mind, body and soul. We will bring in this New Year though a journey of seeding our intentions.

Through a sound journey and somatic hands-on treatment you will receive an experience of deep relaxation, support and guidance. Sound frequencies go deep into the body, mind and spirit to align you with harmony, peace and balance. They clear imbalances and take you on a journey to your innermost self.

Ashera Serfaty~ Shamanic Energy Medicine & Sound Healing Practitioner &
Dr. Devin DeGreif ~ Somatic Soul Healing Physical Therapist specializing in trauma rehab and chronic pain rehabilitation.

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FREE Online Event:  Seeding Your Dreams For 2024
5:00 PM17:00

FREE Online Event: Seeding Your Dreams For 2024


Join For Free! Click Link Below!
Come take a meditative journey into your superconscious and listen to your deepest heart's desires which are calling your new creations into being. Create with your intuition.

In this community gathering, the seeds of what wants to be created in your life are waiting for you to just receive them.

Join our Community in Seeding Your Dreams!
Replay will be available if you are unavailable to join live!

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Womb Wisdom Series: Step into the Feminine Mysteries
to Mar 1

Womb Wisdom Series: Step into the Feminine Mysteries

Answering Pachamama’s Call Women’s Live Online Series and Sacred Circle

Step into the Feminine Mysteries
Clear, Embody & Activate Your Divine Womb Center

2 Month Series~ 5 Classes/Circle.
January & February, 2023
Replay available if you can’t join live.

This is an embodied journey into reclaiming your womb center, and connection with the divine feminine cosmic womb energy of Mother Earth.

With Renowned Andean Curandera Vilma Pinedo &
Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner Ashera Serfaty

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Ñustas~ The Priestesses of Mother Nature: Connect with Your Inner Healer
to Dec 21

Ñustas~ The Priestesses of Mother Nature: Connect with Your Inner Healer

Women’s Online Classes & Sacred Circle
Connect with Your Inner Healer & Empower Yourself An Eathkkeeper

2 Month Series ~ 5 Sessions. Begins November 2nd
Replay Available If You Can’t Join Live.

Ñustas are the Goddesses/Priestesses of Mother Nature in the Andes and Beyond.
These healing places of the mountains, sacred sites & vortexes ware connected to all the mountains and waters on the planet.

We will enter the mystery of these healing and creative energies of 5 specific Ñustas to clear, strengthen, blossom and empower your energy and deepen your connection with your divine feminine and inner healer. Each Ñusta has a different energy frequency and healing energy.

With Renowned Andean Curandera Vilma Pinedo &
Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner Ashera Serfaty

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Answering Pachamama's Call  Women's Empowerment Series & Sacred Circle ~ Activate the Heart of Your Inner Healer
to Oct 19

Answering Pachamama's Call Women's Empowerment Series & Sacred Circle ~ Activate the Heart of Your Inner Healer


Join our Incredible Community of Women in Birthing the Divine Feminine in Harmony with the New Earth!

October’s Themes~
Medicine Women’s Magic, Honoring the Ancestors
& Clearing Your Energy

October 5th, & 19th, 2022
With Ashera Serfaty & Vilma Pinedo

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Free Creatrix Masterclass: The Alchemy of Creating What You Love with Intuition
12:00 PM12:00

Free Creatrix Masterclass: The Alchemy of Creating What You Love with Intuition

Free Creatrix Masterclass: The Alchemy of Creating What You Love Intuition
Wednesday September 14th, 2022
12pm PST/ 3pm EST

💛 Activate Your Feminine Creative Consciousness & Intuitive Power
💛 Live From Your Authentic Essence & True Purpose
💛 Receive Powerful Guidance & Practices to Amplify Your Biggest Dreams & Increase Your Intuitive Ability to Create Them
💛 Nourish Yourself & Claim Your Freedom Without the Need to Do More, Be More, or Fix Yourself
💛 Step Into Magic, Feed Your Inspirations & Receive Clear Next Steps In Magnetizing What You Love

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Women's Alchemy & Sacred Sound Retreat to Mt. Shasta
to Jul 18

Women's Alchemy & Sacred Sound Retreat to Mt. Shasta

  • Google Calendar ICS

Unplug & Rejuvenate in the Beauty of Nature
Experience and commune with Mt. Shasta vortexes, rivers, waterfalls and lakes. Receive support, nourishment and inspiration in an uplifting community.

Through sound, silence, ceremony, gentle yoga, guided embodied somatic movement, energy work, medicine wheels meditations, hiking and alchemical practices we transform, create and celebrate life. We shall attune ourselves to the Earth frequencies and enliven our hearts, bodies, minds and spirits.

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Opening The Solstice Portal: Free Online Solstice Ceremony For Women
5:00 PM17:00

Opening The Solstice Portal: Free Online Solstice Ceremony For Women

Opening the Solstice Portal: & Mother Earth's Message For Our Times:
A FREE Online Solstice Gathering, Ceremony & Meditation For Women
With Ashera Serfaty Shamanic Energy Practitioner, Vilma Pinedo Renowned Curandera

We are in pivotal times of great change and awakening. Come join us and bring in the solstice alchemical energy.. We all have a unique role in creating our reality, our future and bringing forth the light.

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Seeding Your Dreams For 2022~ Creating with Intuition In Your Land of Plenty
5:00 PM17:00

Seeding Your Dreams For 2022~ Creating with Intuition In Your Land of Plenty


Join For Free! Click Link Below!
Come take a meditative journey into your superconscious and listen to your deepest heart's desires which are calling your new creations into being. Create with your intuition and step into your Land of Plenty.

In this community gathering, the seeds of what wants to be created in your life are waiting for you to just receive them.

Join our Community in Seeding Your Dreams!
Replay will be available if you are unavailable to join live!

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