A Deeper Meaning To Solstice & The Christmas Tree: The Tree Of Light & The Wisdom Goddess

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Solstice and the holiday season is upon us and celebrates the longest hours of darkness and the rebirth of the sun. It is a time of remembering the return of the light within and without. With a New Moon and Eclipse on December 25th, this special time of year can accelerate our inner transformation as we bring light to our darkness. Solstice, the new moon and eclipse all hold a powerful energy for regeneration and renewal. Take some time to tune into what you are releasing to make space for a new seed to be planted in the darkness.

You may be preparing a beautiful tree adorned with light and decorations.  What is the true origin and meaning of this tree and what does it have to do with the ancient goddesses and divine feminine?

In very ancient times, hundreds & thousands of years BCE. the tree was revered as the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is connected to the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah and other wisdom traditions. The Tree of Life brought forth wisdom and nurturance, as well as a pathway to enlightenment.

In ancient times, we lived in matriarchal societies. The goddess traditions were alive and well. The tree was revered throughout ancient times in Sumer, Mesopotamia (which is now the Middle East and North Africa) as a triple goddess by the name of Asherah (she also went by other names such as: Atiratu, Athirat, and Asertu and many more).  She was depicted on the walls of ancient temples of Egypt and beyond.

The Tree Goddess was the giver of life, fertility nurturance, and renewal. Festivals featured the goddesses sacred Tree of Life which were hung with silver and gold and images of animals, decorated with ribbons and flowers. These customs echo both Christmas and the maypole rituals. There are many misconceptions about Asherah, as well as the lineages of the ancient mother goddesses, according to history. If we scratch deeper and go back further, we can learn about the herstory, the unwritten wisdom of the ancient goddesses that are being remembered at this time.

The symbology of the Tree of Light at this time of year reminds us to awaken our consciousness to the light within, and connect to it's strength, nurturance, and power. It connects us to mother earth and the light which sustains and illuminates us.  

May you take some time to connect with the illumination within during this season.

In Love and Light, Ashera

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