The Solstice is Upon Us: Receiving Light & Magic
Solstice is on the way.
I have been reflecting on light and magic. We are all fed by and live on light. The sun's energy feeds us in many ways.
This is why the ancient peoples around the world revered the sun. We all absorb light into our bodies to grow brighter. Whether this light is visible or invisible to the eye, it's happening all the time. For those on the Andean path there is a focus on cultivating this inner light. This living light energy is called "sami."
There is an unlimited flow of energy available to us, but we can sometimes block the flow and accumulate heavy energy called “hucha”. When we open into a receptive orientation, we can absorb more pure light and "sami" into our bodies, energy, and life. We know in order to give, we must also know how to make space to receive. Creating reciprocity begins with ourselves by unblocking the flow of energy within us. Cultivating the inner light is one of the most important principles of waking up into ourselves and our world.
As I look at a barren tree outside my window in the cool of winter, a hummingbird lands on the tree and pauses. I stop to look and receive this moment as it glances at me. If I had not paused, I may have missed the magical moment. I pause more deeply to fully receive this energy of magic fully.
During this time of year, it is especially important to pause.
This can be 30 seconds, a minute at a time, a whole day or more. When we stop everything and pause, take an exhale, empty our minds and open to receive - there is a vast amount of light and energy available from this earth especially at this time. We may notice we become calm, more present and nourished. This is not a special practice that takes a lot of skill or time... just simply drop everything, pause and take a receptive soft open focus.
Being able to receive light is a superpower that we all have. Learning to be still and receive it requires intention. Magic and light is pouring in at every moment, wanting to support us on very deep levels.
Solstice is on the way.
This is a special time of year when there is a great pause and time stands still. May you take moments of pause and be open to receive the infinite light and magic.
In Love, Light and Magic,