Spring Equinox: Are You Ready to Emerge From Your Cocoon?

Dear One,

How does a caterpillar become a butterfly?

The mesmerizing process of metamorphosis, both in nature and within each of us, is going to accelerate this month. In March we are preparing for the blooming and elevated energy of April.

This transformation is not only due to the Spring Equinox on March 19th, and the upcoming eclipses on March 25th and April 8th  but also, the switch of magnetic North and South poles.

These celestial events are triggering profound changes on Earth, ushering in a new chapter on Earth- geographically, biologically and energetically.

Approaching the eclipse season and the potent energies on Earth it's crucial to consciously decide how we want to engage with these shifts. While it may stir turbulence in the world, it also offers a beautiful opportunity for personal metamorphosis and align with nature's principles, connection with our own inner center and soul seed. Like a caterpillar shedding its old skin to become a butterfly, we too must be willing to let go of what no longer serves us to embrace our authentic selves and true nature more fully.

During these times of heightened transformation alongside the Earth, we must bring forward the willingness and courage to just let go of who we have been and vision something new. Although change may bring up fear because it is unknown, embracing it and taking steps towards shedding our old skin can lead to exhilarating freedom and growth.

To prepare for metamorphosis, we may need to step into a chrysalis. You may find yourself feeling more sensitive, tired or even energized. It is time to align with yourself this month and prepare for your own transformation. Taking time and space to go within, release, integrate and envision your next steps. Stepping away from your daily routine for a few hours or days allows you to replenish and align with nature in order to transform. Spring cleansing on all levels can also assist this process, and resetting the body.

What aspects of your life and story are you still holding onto?

Whether it's a job you don't enjoy, draining relationships, habits, or simply the heaviness of  Winter... now is the time to let go and lighten your load. Orienting toward what you love and inspiration is always helpful.

What are the rituals and practices that keep you connected with the sacred in your life?

Now is the time to envision your emergence and take action towards your new vision, for yourself and our Earth, regardless of external circumstances. Be clear with your intention, as you use your creative energy to channel momentum forward. If you're unsure, let your heart guide you. In the Andes, "Munay" is the Quechua word translated as "love under our will" - encapsulates making choices in alignment with our love.
Create a sacred space for yourself weather it is an altar or a place in nature you regularly visit. Connect with each of the elements. Use a bell or sound to remind yourself of the ever present consciousness that is the source that is within and around you. Create your own simple ritual to connect with your center.

How can you come into more grounding, connectivity and joy within your body?

Every moment presents the opportunity to begin again. Each breath is a moment to pause.  I'm passionate about transformational work because it mirrors the process of a butterfly emerging—a continuous cycle of shedding the old and birthing the new in our lives. This process of purification and growth is an on-going, natural process of all life. When we bring consciousness awareness to this process and our breath we can navigate it with grace and emerge with even more vibrancy.

This past Spring, I journeyed to the Andes of Peru with an amazing group of people to co-facilitate our  Transformational Rretreat. It's such a fantastic opportunity to step into another reality and deepen your connection with Mother Earth & Spirit. Stay connected to find out when we embark on the journey again. We would love to have you join us!

If you're yearning to emerge like that butterfly, I'd love to be of service to you.

Just as a caterpillar needs a chrysalis to undergo metamorphosis, I believe deep transformation requires a container, whether it's a group or someone to hold space for you. To inquire about 1:1 Coaching with Ashera, click here.

This is a powerful month, offering you the chance to undergo your metamorphosis and emerge like a butterfly, just in time for spring and summer.  

Love and light,

Ashera Serfaty