Medicine From the Mountains

The living energy of the Apus - mountain spirits - are ancient.

The Apus embody the grandmothers, grandfathers and guardians of the earth.

A month ago, I returned from an epic journey in the Andes of Peru. Our life changing retreat was truly amazing. It's hard to articulate my experience in the mountains, at sacred sites and villages ranging from 11,000 to 16,000ft. high.  A week after returning, I feel almost speechless, filled with gratitude and awe for the magic and mystery of this earth. It was such a joy to share this experience with the wonderful group of people who attended our retreat. One of the highlights was our pilgrimage to Apu Ausangate, one of the highest peaks in the Peruvian Andes where we climbed to 16,000ft!

The incredible Andean people and their traditions orient life around  Pachamama and the mountains. The Apus - living spirits of the mountains, and Ñustas - feminine mountains and sacred places - are all viewed as living beings. When you connect with these places in the Andes, you feel a living energy called Kawsay. It is like grandmothers and grandfathers are embracing you from high in the sky as the mystical clouds that encircle the highest mountain peaks. These living energy beings have shared messages and listened to the earth for thousands of years; they are alive.

Some sacred places contain an exquisite blend of ancient harmonics, patterns and energy that immediately transports you to higher realms, as if a door closes behind you and you enter another reality. In fact there are many mystical doorways. It is a gift to experience the dissolution of our individual identity and become expansive like the earth and sky. This is truly our nature as human beings, though sometimes we can forget we are multi-dimensional beings. When we take time to connect to the earth, she helps us remember this.

The Andes are not just a physical location, but can be felt as another dimension and time. Beneath the mountains and sacred sites, we dropped into silence and the frequency of timelessness. During many moments, it felt as if I had alway been there, as old as the rock and stone. The frequency in these places fills you with energy in a way that changes your life forever. The Andes are the living heartbeat of the earth.

Within the mountains and sites lies another dimension invisible to the eye, but can be felt by opening your heart. This frequency can be felt if you allow yourself to drop into deep presence. Ancient stories speak of other worlds inside the inner doorways of the mountains, where tropical fruits and abundant landscapes exist. These mysterious places within the snowy peaks reminds us of Earth's abundance, showing us that what we see is not always what it is on the surface.

Mountain medicine is a very high frequency for this planet. The living energy of the Apus and Nustas watch over the world, sharing light and magic from invisible realms. They remind us of our purity and offer a greater perspective than what we can see in our individual lives. Just like the eagles and condors we spotted on our journey who have great vision.

Even after years of pilgrimages and living in the Andes, I am still in awe of the majesty, beauty and power experienced by everyone in our group. It is truly a gift to share this magic with all who attended the journey ~ receiving deep healing, insight and medicine from the mountains.

The medicine of the mountains reminds us that we are the earth, the stones, the water and more. We can overcome our greatest challenges. The power of the mountains and earth can propel us forward to our new vistas for renewal, just like the sun rises again each day. They continually provide for us, the water we drink, the air we breath and the nourishment for our lives.

So, much gratitude to the Mother Earth, Father Sky, Apus and Ñustas. I am grateful to my collaborators and helpers on this journey. Irene Ingalls, Don Basillio, Vilma Pinedo, Julian Sasarri, Joice, Munay Sonqo, and each of the amazing participants who joined us on this journey of a lifetime!

May you greet this new day as a new beginning and be reminded of your own majesty, power and magic and medicine of nature. We are all important as co-creators wtih Mother Earth and this incredible land we call home. 

If you want to experience the magic of our local mountains in a sacred and celebratory way.....  I am excited to announce our  
4 - Day Women's Alchemy & Sacred Sound Summer Retreat to Mt. Shasta this July! 
This is our 3rd annual journey and it will be an amazing opportunity to connect with the medicine of Mt. Shasta through sound and ceremony. It's a great way to connect, sing and celebrate life with other amazing women. If you feel called, please join us.