Summer Solstice Message & Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland

You are the light of one thousand suns.

Solstice Blessings!

Summer is here!!  We are entering the solstice portal which is a powerful opening for transformation. The actual date is June 21st, but solstice energy can be felt for 4 days. It is a great time to honor change.

Allow the coming days to be spacious. Get present and let go of the past and orient yourself to your intentions for what you are creating.  Allow some sacred time and space in nature, in meditation a fire ceremony, prayer offering or a simple ritual. Wherever your attention and intention is will be magnified at this time. Bring yourself into your center and stay awake to where you are putting your energy. Aligning with Mother Earth and spending some time in nature is always the best way to proceed. 

In all ancient cultures, solstices were understood as powerful gateways to new levels of consciousness. Temples were constructed and ceremonies were preformed to step into this energy the world over. The Solstice occurs when the sun stands still between light and dark. During the solstices the earth tilts to it maximum or minimum directional axis and then comes to a still point then turns the other direction.

This transition directly effects our bodies, energy, and our lives. The change in the amount of sunlight on both the summer & winter solstice effects the third eye stimulating it into hyper-activity during these four days. The hyperactive state produces psychoactive chemicals in the brain creating elevated states of consciousness.

Our pineal gland behind our third eye connects us with our intuition, spirit, and supports our health and well-being. These higher frequencies are activated most profoundly during the solstices. This means if we bring ourselves into more awareness and into meditative states, during and after the solstice we can expand into the positive frequencies that are anchoring into the consciousness of humanity at this time of great change.

We are living in the time of the great change. It is a time to tap into ourselves and remember who we are as connected to Mother Earth. Hold the intention for the positive direction for the earth and humanity.  May you enjoy the new light of the days ahead.

Lately, many of my new clients have come to me saying they have been feeling stuck and don't know how to move forward and are not as connected to their intuition. Through exercising the intuitive centers we can not only open our internal vision but open up new vision for our lives. It has prompted to share some tips below with you on how to decalcify the pineal gland which can support our inner seeing as well.

If you need assistance navigating your path feel free to reach out for a session, and I will be happy to assist you  in the direction of your empowered self and journey.

Ashera Serfaty