How to Stay Cool During Hot Summer Days

The summer is here, and it’s hot! I do love the summer, yet I started to feel a little sluggish from the over 100-degree weather here in Oregon. I was so relieved yesterday to finish the afternoon with a cool swim in a nearby lake that deeply relaxed my being and helped me think more clearly. The Ayurvedic Dosha, Pitta, can be aggravated by the heat.

The Pitta Dosha relates to the elements of fire and water. When the fire element is overactive it can make people feel irritable, tired, and impatient. It can also bring up physical exhaustion and digestive challenges. A beautiful way to rebalance your energy is by letting go of effort and control, slowing down, surrendering, and inviting in the healing medicine of water by going with the flow. Using your voice to release any holding, tension, or heat is very helpful. Simply open your mouth and make some gentle "ahh" sounds to soothe your body and soul. 

Tips to Stay Cool, Balanced, and Pacify the Pitta Dosha

  • Drink cool mint tea throughout the day.

  • Spend time near or in the water. Take dips in cool waters or take frequent cold showers.

  • Use aromatherapy like rose, sandalwood, and jasmine.

  • Spray yourself with rose water.

  • Take a walk in the cool forest.

  • Avoid spicy foods.

  • Use gentle toning to release the heat in your body.

  • Eat cooling foods such as cucumber, fennel, cilantro, melons, and blueberries.

  • Take deep breaths and focus on the long, deep exhalation.

  • Cooling breath practice: Draw the tongue out and fold it up from the sides to form a tube. Slowly inhale, bringing the air through the tongue. After the full inhalation, close the mouth and exhale from the nose.

  • Avoid exerting physical energy at the hottest times of the day.

  • During yoga, focus on twists and forward bends. Use a soft gaze.

  • Make a watermelon mint juice. Cut half a watermelon up and place it in the blender with a handful of mint.

  • Collect some fresh roses and soak them in filtered or spring water for 2–3 hours. Strain and drink.

My dear friend, Ayurvedic Practitioner Dr. Sarah Kruse, has provided this delicious cooling drink: 

Ginger Mint Mocktail 
1 lime (1-2 tablespoons of fresh juice) 
1 TBSP maple syrup or monk fruit sweetener (optional) 
1/4 cup sparkling water 
3–4 mint leaves (torn, optional) 
3/4 cup ginger beer or ginger kombucha (non-alcoholic) 
Crushed ice: Go light on the ice. 
Combine the above ingredients, garnish with mint leaves and a lime wedge if desired, serve, and enjoy!

I am excited to be heading to Shasta this week to prepare for our gathering with 13 amazing women. We will be fully immersed in the juiciness of summer. Our Women’s Alchemy and Sound Retreat is going to be so fun, filled with sound and heart-opening.

A couple of amazing practitioners and friends of mine have some wonderful offerings coming up, both online and in person:

  • Sarah Kruse of Embrace Ayurveda will be offering the Ignite Your Life Metabolic and Hormone Reset Program beginning July 8th, 2024. The Reset is a process, not a diet. It results in permanent lifestyle changes and lasting health results. It is never too late; you can start anytime!

  • Irene Ingalls of the Seattle Sound Temple is offering a Level 2 Sound Healing Training from September 5–9, 2024! I am so excited to be part of the amazing faculty team. We will be on Orcas Island for this 4-day training experience. It is open to those who have completed Level 1 Sound Healing or the equivalent with someone or somewhere else. It is going to be spectacular!

May you take time to enjoy the warm evenings, cool water dips, and abundance of fruits and flowers this month!

Love and Light,