The Divine Feminine Is rising & Your Transformation Is Needed!

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We are living in a time of change and challenge, and need to be prepared to step  into new ways of living otherwise, we will drown, in the spiraling down of the old world. Each of us is being asked to step up our game. This is an initiatory rite of
passage for each of us personally & collectively

Many people have lost connection to their inner most selves and connection with the earth. The earth mother or Pachamana/Gaia is not only our home but lives inside us. We share the same heartbeat.  As we anchor into the divine feminine your participation needed and is required. The more we awaken the more she mother earth awakens. It’s time to remember your true SELF and your empowered feminine radiance. This does not matter if you are a man or a woman

So, how do we all do this? First, it is about really shifting our inner alignment. So, start with yourself and remember who you are without the old patriarchal conditioning, a paradigm program to keep us in forgetting.  By releasing and transforming  those core wounds of fear, not enoughness and separation we come into our true luminous selves connected to the earth. It’s time to remember all the time

Most women suffer from feeling they are either not enough or too much in some way, whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, or spiritually. There is the idea that we have to be more, have more, to do something more to be accepted, to be love and to be respected

The idea that there is somewhere else we must arrive to is a big illusion. This is all part of an old masculine paradigm, which is ready to be dismantled and transformed for each of us and this earth.The truth is that each of us is divinely perfect. When we wake up to this knowing that we and our lives are, in fact, perfect, regardless of the situation, we step into a deeper sense of power and peace.  This doesn’t mean we don’t nurture our dreams and take action for ourselves and this earth, on the contrary, it means we recognize we don’t have to constantly over effort to create it, we become it. We step out of fear and into love 

When we create from a feminine principle. When we connect to our own creative authentic essence at the core of our being as connected to the earth, we will feel that we are creation itself. We are co-creating

When we awaken to our essence, a deeper connection to ourselves, our spirit and the earth and embody this presence, we connect with our original divine blueprint as co-creators on this earth. The key here is to know and embody this wisdom and feel it in our bones. What does that feel like in your life

Staying deeply connected to our own spirit in our bodies, we can ride the storms and know we are supported along the way. Mother Earth, Pachamama, Gaia knows how to teach us these ways. Learning from her we not only awaken ourselves, but help anchor in a new dream in for our planet
If you want more support in stepping into your authentic radiant and empowerment SELF and deepen your connection with Mother Earth, Join me in the upcoming online series this October~ “Women’s Empowerment Transformational Series” or other Transformational offerings or sessions

Beauty and Light, Ashera

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