Equinox Message & Tips for Balance

The Fall Equinox is upon us.

The change of season is here. It is time to receive all the blessings and the fullness of summer and begin to receive the harvest. Though I love summer, autumn is equally beautiful.

Take a moment for a simple ritual for yourself or in community, to thank the summer and welcome the fall in. There are many gifts of the autumn season. When we give gratitude for  what was and welcome what is yet to come, we become aligned receive the seasons gifts.  Enjoy the slow changing of the leaves colors as they paint the paths, the cooler nights, and bright skies, the warm sunlight and light rain. 

Equinox is one of the two times in the year when the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator, which means our day and night are equal.  We are in the transition time between seasons, and as we move into fall, it important to pause and reflect in this time of balance. 

As the days  begin to become shorter and cooler, we can feel unsettled. Pay attention to what really grounds and nourishes you. It is also important to cultivate what inspires you moving forward. Take some time for a simple acknowledgement or ritual appreciating what is completing, and anchoring in new beginnings with a new commitment and inspiration to engage in.

According to Ayurveda the fall can aggravate the Vata Dosha and stir up the the air element. To balance, use the earth and fire elements to ignite digestion, grounding and inspiration. Physically, having more warm teas with ginger, fennel, cumin, coriander can spark the digestion and keep you warm and grounded. Favor more soups and grounding and cooked foods.  Wear warming colors like orange, red, maroon, and greens. Use relaxing essential oils such as lavender and vetiver. It is also a great time to gently detox or have a simple diet. Focus on activities that are grounding and warming.

Become aware of what fuels your inspiration moving you forward toward a creation or project that warms your heart and soul.

How are you tuning in right now?
How are you honoring the Equinox?

Let me know in the comments!

Love & Light,

Ashera SerfatyComment