How To Keep Your Energy Elevated
Dear Friends & Clients:
"How can you keep experiences of high vibrational energy and deep connection in your life on a daily basis?" I just recently completed leading my 13th Transformational Journey to Peru, and this question has come up over and over again. "When you have transformational experiences, openings and realizations of deep connection, how can you stay connected to this essence in everyday life and keep your energy elevated?"Indeed this is the practice!
After elevated awakened experiences it's essential to remember these are in the core of our beings. But how, when we have jobs, mundane tasks and fast- paced of lives can we connect with the essential nature of timelessness? Shifting our orientation into present moment spaciousness is a key. Within this spaciousness we are connected to all that is.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Take a few minutes in the morning for stillness, silence and space. Sit and connect with that experience of elevated connection and awakening. Revisit and go that place in nature, the sacred site, or deep connection with another when you felt a sense of the divine deeply. See it, and most importantly feel it in your being. Breath it into your heart. Let this feeling reawaken in you. This only need be 5-10 minutes. Bring it with you throughout your day.
- Take time in nature daily and let go of the mind. Take short walk where you put away your cell phone and connect with the trees, the earth and the sounds of nature. Allow yourself to be in this spaciousness connection. Take it in with gratitude to your entire being.
- Allow yourself to be open and inspired by everyday magic. Make space for it to come in. What elevates your energy? This could be a moment where you see a ladybug on your hat, or hear a birdsong at dawn. If you are preoccupied by thinking the present moment's majesty will elude you. Practice emptying and opening to the timeless magic of the moment.
I will be returning to the Northwest in a couple of days after a powerful time in the luminous Andes, Peru. I am filled with gratitude and ready to share and assist you on your path. My practice will be open again. Check out some opportunities below to connect with timelessness and magic on your own soul path and weaving it into your daily life.
Much Beauty and Love to Each of You,